Request and Response

Messages exchanged by the client and the server are represented by a Request and a Response.

The client sends Requests to the server that include a service number, an optional subfunction and some data. The server processes the request and answers with a Response that contains an echo of the service number, a response code and some additional data.

The following classes provides the necessary interface to manipulate UDS requests and responses.


req = Request(service=ECUReset, subfunction=1, data=b'\x99\x88')
payload = req.get_payload()
print(payload) # b'\x11\x01\x99\x88'
req2 = Request.from_payload(payload)
print(req2) # <Request: [ECUReset] (subfunction=1) - 2 data bytes at 0x12345678>
class udsoncan.Request(service: typing.Union[udsoncan.BaseService.BaseService, typing.Type[udsoncan.BaseService.BaseService], NoneType] = None, subfunction: typing.Union[int, NoneType] = None, suppress_positive_response: bool = False, data: typing.Union[bytes, NoneType] = None)[source]

Represents a UDS Request.

  • service (class) – The service for which to make the request. This parameter must be a class that extends
  • subfunction (int or None) – The service subfunction. This value may be ignored if the given service does not supports subfunctions
  • suppress_positive_response (bool) – Indicates that the server should not send a response if the response code is positive. This parameter has effect only when the given service supports subfunctions
  • data (bytes) – The service data appended after service ID and payload
Request.get_payload(suppress_positive_response: typing.Union[bool, NoneType] = None) → bytes[source]

Generates a payload to be given to the underlying protocol. This method is meant to be used by a UDS client

Returns:A payload to be sent through the underlying protocol
Return type:bytes
classmethod Request.from_payload(payload: bytes) → udsoncan.Request.Request[source]

Creates a Request object from a payload coming from the underlying protocols. This method is meant to be used by a UDS server

Parameters:payload (bytes) – The payload of data to parse
Returns:A Request object with populated fields
Return type:Request


response = Response(service=ECUReset, code=Response.Code.PositiveResponse, data=b'\x11\x22')
payload = response.get_payload()
print(payload) # b'\x51\x11\x22'
response2 = Response.from_payload(payload)
print(response2) # <PositiveResponse: [ECUReset] - 2 data bytes at 0x7f9367e619b0>
class udsoncan.Response(service: typing.Union[udsoncan.BaseService.BaseService, typing.Type[udsoncan.BaseService.BaseService], NoneType] = None, code: typing.Union[int, NoneType] = None, data: typing.Union[bytes, NoneType] = None)[source]

Represents a server Response to a client Request

  • service (class) – The service implied by this response.
  • code (int) – The response code
  • data (bytes) – The response data encoded after the service and response code

(boolean) True if the response content is valid. Only invalid_reason is guaranteed to have a meaningful value if this value is False


(string) String explaining why the response is invalid.


(class) The response target service class


(boolean) True if the response code is 0 (PositiveResponse), False otherwise


(int) The response code.


(string) The response code name.


(bytes) The response data. All the payload content, except the service number and the response code


(object) The content of data interpreted by a service; can be any type of content.


(bytes) When the response is built with Response.from_payload, this property contains a copy of the payload used. None otherwise.


(boolean) Indicates that the response was unexpected. Set by an external source such as the Client object

Response.get_payload() → bytes[source]

Generates a payload to be given to the underlying protocol. This method is meant to be used by a UDS server

Returns:A payload to be sent through the underlying protocol
Return type:bytes
classmethod Response.from_payload(payload: bytes) → udsoncan.Response.Response[source]

Creates a Response object from a payload coming from the underlying protocol. This method is meant to be used by a UDS client

Parameters:payload (bytes) – The payload of data to parse
Returns:A Response object with populated fields
Return type:Response

Response Codes


alias of ResponseCode