Python implementation of UDS standard (ISO-14229)
This project is an implementation of the Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) protocol defined by ISO-14229 written in Python 3. The code is published under MIT license on GitHub (pylessard/python-udsoncan).
The goal of this project is to provide with a set of tool to interract with a UDS server by building/interpreting UDS payload and detecting malformed messages. All of this, with minimal effort and comprehensive code. It can be useful to develop a tester unit, debugging a server code, searching for security flaws or just messing with your car.
Here is an example of code to give an insight of the grammar.
import SomeLib.SomeCar.SomeModel as MyCar
import udsoncan
import isotp
from udsoncan.connections import IsoTPSocketConnection
from udsoncan.client import Client
from udsoncan.exceptions import *
from import *
conn = IsoTPSocketConnection('can0', isotp.Address(isotp.AddressingMode.Normal_11bits, rxid=0x123, txid=0x456))
with Client(conn, request_timeout=2, config=MyCar.config) as client:
client.change_session(DiagnosticSessionControl.Session.extendedDiagnosticSession) # integer with value of 3
client.unlock_security_access(MyCar.debug_level) # Fictive security level. Integer coming from fictive lib, let's say its value is 5
client.write_data_by_identifier(udsoncan.DataIdentifier.VIN, 'ABC123456789') # Standard ID for VIN is 0xF190. Codec is set in the client configuration
print('Vehicle Identification Number successfully changed.')
client.ecu_reset(ECUReset.ResetType.hardReset) # HardReset = 0x01
except NegativeResponseException as e:
print('Server refused our request for service %s with code "%s" (0x%02x)' % (e.response.service.get_name(), e.response.code_name, e.response.code))
except InvalidResponseException, UnexpectedResponseException as e:
print('Server sent an invalid payload : %s' % e.response.original_payload)